Do You Believe in Balance?

Happy Sunday, G.O. Readers!

I get tired of even typing the sentence, "Sorry, I know it's been awhile...," (even though technically, I just typed it again, anyway).  But I really am sorry.  I try to keep my workload balanced, but it sometimes seems like there really is no such thing as keeping balance in your life.  I was looking at an interview on YouTube where someone was talking about the myth of balance, (I'll have to go back and see who it was exactly--maybe Liz Gilbert?), but they were essentially saying that there is no such thing as true balance. 

Do You Believe in Balance?
They went on to say, there's just this constant juggling act of giving your attention to one thing, while something else gets less attention for a minute, (I'm paraphrasing, of course); and you have to constantly play swap-a-roo with seemingly competing obligations.  So, while you're hyper-focused on your career, you may have to make some sacrifices in your home life, like missing a child's baseball game or school play.  Or if you're choosing to make your home life your priority for a few years, you might have to accept that you may not be able to go as far in your career, because you're not willing to give up your weekends or stay at the office until 7 pm. 

Missy Vs Girl
In my case, I've been neglecting this blog, while I was hustling to get the word out about my book that was in active campaign status on Kindle Scout, (thanks again for the nominations--it's currently under review as we speak).  I also wasn't devoting as much time to this blog because I was "rocking with Missy".  What the hell does that mean, you ask?  I was devoting a lot of time to building content for my first blog, "Missy's Blog," and coming up with show ideas for The Missy Show.  Since that's my original "baby", so to speak, it can be hard for me to put that one to the way-side, to work more on this one, even though this one is my more personal blog, and the one that I want to reflect my truest self, and what I want to bring about in life. 

Getting Organized:
Since organization isn't my strong suit, I've downloaded some personal planners and calendars to help me firmly commit some things down to paper, (I read somewhere that if you don't have it written on the calendar, it's not happening--or something to that effect).  So, I'm going to have a brain-storming session like I had to do with Missy Show about a month ago, where I come up with some topics I want to talk about that I can already have in the works, (even though there are some things that I prefer to keep spontaneous--like what I'm feeling or going through in the moment).  For example, this post wasn't even supposed to be about this topic, I was just supposed to start it off like this to explain to y'all where I've been, but the post took on a life of its own and grew into something else.  I guess the good thing is, now I have an extra topic to discuss.  So, this gets to be your Sunday post, (that I'm writing on Saturday night), and my original thought will be your Monday post, (that I'll also be writing tonight).  Alright, I think that's enough for now, (I can really ramble, if you let me--but who wants that)?

Until tomorrow,
Bless your October Souls.....
